Managing Director
Project Management:
From Concept to CommercialExperience in the field of Supply Chain and Logistics Management through Insights across a range of Functions including Vendor/ Partner Management, Production Planning, Inventory Management, Customer Service, Business Forecasting, Logistics and Distribution with a Diverse Group of Companies, Products and Services.
Experience : 28 years in IT, Banking and Retail Industry Infrastructure

Project Management:
Project Planning in advance.
Effective and Timely execution of Projects from Inquiry to Revenue Generations.
Weekly Project Review with all Department and Escalation of work to reach objectives.
Team Management:
Leading, Training & Monitoring the Performance of Team Members to ensure Efficiency in Project Operations and meeting of individual & group Targets.
Conducting Meetings for setting up Project Objectives and Designing or Streamlining Processes to ensure smooth functioning and Execution of Projects.
Experience :24 years in Interior , Building & Construction , Banking and Retail Industry.

Vice President Projects
Project Management:
Vendor Management and contract negotiation
Infrastructure Virtualization
Infrastructure Project Management , Budgeting & Cost Control
Disaster Recovery Planning & Execution.
Experience :Total 14 years in Infrastructure and Banking Industry

Vice President Technical
Project Management:
Project Conceptualisation to Execution
Effective and Timely execution of Projects.
Team Management:
Monitoring the Performance of Team Members to ensure Efficiency and Ontime Project.
Review Meetings for Project Planning , Designing and Execution of Projects.